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Sleep Apnea – Buzzards Bay, MA

Achieve a Better Night’s Rest

Are you tired all the time and are not sure why? It is possible that you are suffering from a disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Here at Canal Side Family Dental, we have already helped many patients find relief from this condition via oral appliance therapy. If you are interested in discovering how we may be able to get you on the path to higher-quality rest, contact us today.

Why Choose Canal Side for Oral Appliance Therapy?

What Is Sleep Apnea?

snoring man

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that causes its victims to stop breathing for short periods throughout the night. There are a few different types of sleep apnea, but obstructive sleep apnea is the most common. In OSA, the soft tissues in the mouth or throat overrelax and block the patient’s airway, resulting in repeated apneas (periods of not breathing). Individuals with a mild form of OSA may have just a handful of apneas each hour. In severe cases, apneas can occur hundreds of times each night.

Because OSA disrupts the sleep cycle, it prevents its sufferers from getting truly rejuvenating rest. It also puts them at a higher risk of a number of other health conditions, including weight gain, heart attack, and depression.

Sign of sleep apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is very common and potentially life-threatening medical disorder that prevents airflow during sleep. More than 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, and many are not receiving treatment.

Untreated sleep apneas increases risk for:

Recognizing Sleep Apnea

woman stretching after restful sleep

Sleep apnea patients are often older, obese and have thick necks, but men and women of any age or body type can have sleep apnea. The sleep disorder progressively worsens with age and weight gain. Listed below are some common signs of sleep apnea:

Treating Sleep Apnea

well-rested man

A CPAP machine is the standard treatment for OSA. The machine gently forces pressurized air into the airway, keeping it open so the patient can breathe throughout the night without interruption. While CPAP therapy is extremely effective, many individuals find it to be uncomfortable and cumbersome. They may not comply with the treatment as their doctor recommends.

Oral appliance therapy is a viable alternative to a CPAP machine in many cases. An oral appliance is a small device that resembles a mouthguard for sports. It gently repositions the jaw, thus helping to keep the airway open throughout the night. Oral appliances are custom designed for each patient’s unique mouth. They are small, portable, comfortable, and easy to keep clean. The team at Canal Side Family Dental has the training and experience necessary to help residents of Buzzards Bay and the surrounding communities experience all the benefits of oral appliance therapy.

Interested in referring a patient for Sleep Apnea Treatment? Visit our Referral Page here for more information.

Sleep Apnea FAQs

Why Should I See a Dentist for Sleep Apnea Treatment?

Dentists offer many treatments that benefit the teeth and gums, so at first, it might seem strange to think that you could receive sleep apnea treatment near Bourne from one. However, the connection becomes easier to understand when you think about the training that dentists receive. They understand the anatomy of the upper airway, teeth, and jaws, all of which can affect the quality of your breathing during sleep.

Really, it takes minimal additional training for a dentist to become well-qualified as a sleep apnea treatment provider.

Plus, because you regularly see your dentist, they can be one of the first people who recognizes signs of a sleep disorder and encourages you to seek testing.

Does Everyone Who Snores Have Sleep Apnea?

Snoring and sleep apnea are different issues, though they often occur in the same individuals. Snoring is simply the vibration that happens when air moves past tissues in your airway, whereas sleep apnea is a serious disorder that involves repeated pauses in breathing during sleep.

Loud, frequent snoring is a common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, and not everyone with sleep apnea snores.

Can I Diagnose Sleep Apnea on My Own?

Sleep apnea in Bourne is not self-diagnosable. You should undergo an official sleep test to find out if you have this disorder.

However, you can and should monitor the quality of your sleep. Some people even find it helpful to keep a sleep diary. It can include information about bedtimes and wake times, how you feel when you wake up, different factors that might be affecting the quality of your sleep, and more. The diary can help your doctor determine if you should be tested for sleep apnea or another disorder.

Will My Sleep Apnea Go Away If I Lose Weight?

In some cases, OSA occurs because extra fatty tissue around the neck or abdomen is placing pressure on the airway, leading to disruptions in breathing. Therefore, weight loss may lead to a reduction in symptoms. Some people even find that their OSA goes away completely after weight loss.

If you are overweight or obese, it would be worthwhile to talk to your doctor or nutritionist about designing a reasonable plan to reduce your body fat.

Of course, extra fat is just one possible cause of OSA, so weight loss does not guarantee that the disorder will go away. Even some very thin people suffer from sleep apnea.

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