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Sleep Apnea At Canal Side Family Dental

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About Dr. Cindy Adelstein at Canal Side Family Dental

Our strong partnership and commitment to providing patients with the best care means you can trust us to provide the highest quality sleep apnea experience. With award-winning doctors and modern technology, our goal is to provide you with the experience and quality of care we would want for our own families. We call this our “culture of quality”.

Dr. Cindy Adelstein earned her Doctor of Dental Medicine from Temple University School of Dentistry and holds a Masters in the Academy of General Dentistry and Diplomate status in the Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorder Discipline. Dr. Cindy Adelstein has been treating sleep apnea for 25 years. Treated thousands of patients who are diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and those who are non compliant with CPAP therapy. Prior to Dr. Adelstein’s experience at Canal Side Family Dental, she owned and operated an integrated medical practice for the treatment of sleep apnea. Dr. Adelstein aims to provide the best quality care for all patients and continues to educate patients on Sleep Apnea treatment. She even lectures internationally on dental treatment for the sleep apnea patients.

Cindy Adelstein, DMD

Why should you refer to us?

We value our relationship with you and will care for your referred patient as you would.

We will communicate with you to ensure you can provide the best quality comprehensive, coordinated care for your patient.

Our Dental Technology

Digital X-Rays